Site Updates

General Notes
The website is deployed on WrodPress, so Google for help with WordPress can help solve most questions.


Site Email
There is an email address that registration forms and contact emails get sent to. I don’t have access to this email address, either Lionello or Yves should have this access.

Main Tasks

Edit Club Championship Races

On the menu system on the left, select “Pages > All Pages”
Click “Club Championship”
Scroll down to the line that says:

var raceData = `{

The club championship data is stored as JSON.
Edit the data to get it to show what you want.
Click “Preview” or “Update” to view the changes.

You need to put the entries in date order. The code will add the month headers and will strike out the events after the dates pass.

Edit Board Members

On the menu system on the left, select “Pages > All Pages”
Click “Board members”
Scroll down to the line that says:

var boardData = `{

The Board members data is stored as JSON.
Edit the data to get it to show what you want.
Click “Preview” or “Update” to view the changes.

Add Club News (Home Page)

On the menu system on the left, select “Pages > All Pages”
Click “(no title) – Front Page”
Scroll down to the section with the line

// Update the JSON data with the data to display in the Club News section

News is entered as a JSON string with a title and content.

Example adding 2 news items.

var newsJson = {
“news”: [
/* — Keep this block as a template
“title” : “xxx”,
“content”: “xxx”
“title” : “Title of first news item”,
“content”: “Text of my first news item goes here. You can write what you want.”
“title” : “Title of second news item”,
“content”: “Text of my second news item goes here. You can write what you want.”

If there are no news items, then you can keep the JSON as:

var newsJson = {
“news”: [
/* — Keep this block as a template
“title” : “xxx”,
“content”: “xxx”

Update the JSON data and then click “Preview” or “Update” to view the changes.

Upcoming Events

These get pulled through automatically from Meetup.

Registration Form

Registration forms are created using the “Ninja Forms” add-in
When someone fills in the form and clicks “Submit”, the details are sent to
If you click on “Submissions” you can also see the details of all the forms that have been submitted

Adding new images

On the menu system on the left, select “Media > Library”
Click “Add New” to add new images

General Page Editing

On the menu system on the left, select “Pages > All Pages”
Choose the page you want to edit.
Editor is visual so it is easy to see the changes you need to make.
When you are done, click “Preview” or “Update”

Changing standard colours, fonts, styles

Styling is done with CSS
The CSS styles are defined in “Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS”